Research Roadmap Dian Nafi: Women, Family, Children, Youth, Gender

Research Roadmap Dian Nafi: Women, Family, Children, Youth, Gender

 Research Roadmap Dian Nafi: Women, Family, Children, Youth, Gender

Women, Poligamy, Poverty and Radicaslim

Ecopreneurship by Youth Communities

Pre-Marriage Education Digitalization

Role of Women for Economic Resilience

women empowerment at demak coastal region

women ulama success factor at pesantren and majlis taklim

Digital Media Shaping Religious Expression and Tolerance within Societies

women headed household empowerment through writerpreneurship

The Role of Women in the Preservation of Masjid Agung Demak: A Study of Attendance at Selosonan and Minggu Awal Gathering/Pengajian

Resilience in Single Motherhood: A Qualitative Exploration of Maternal Determination and Child-Focused Aspirations

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